Wild Things
Wild Clouds & Wild Moon
October 2019
I could not remember the day I lost my tears.
All I knew was when my father passed away, there were no tears. I was just all dried up from the inside out. It was as if I was in a bubble looking at the movie of my life. And it was a most dreadful place to be. I did not ask to be the girl who has perfected burying her pain.
I pleaded with the Lord for tears each year on his death anniversary.
It was 12 years in the fullness of His time before God answered my prayer with the gift of tears and blessed my soul in ways I did not expect during my 30 Day Spiritual Exercise.
Wild clouds,
I can only see you from below,
Wild rain,
You come and you go.*
Wild moon,
I cannot hold you in my hand.
Your light enters my heart.
Wild tears,
Running down my cheeks,
God speaks to my naked soul.
*first stanza by Thomas Merton